Profile PictureValiumdupeuple - Useful, solid and unique M4L devices (quite ugly, though)

Push-Scaleton - automatic Scale layout control, use different layouts across your set/clips

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Push-Scaleton - automatic Scale layout control, use different layouts across your set/clips

7 ratings

The Push-Scaleton maxforlive midi device is used to dynamically and automatically change the Scale layout on your Push.

It means that you can use as many different scales in your set or even in a single clip; this device will automatically managed the scale layout changing/updating on your Push.

Since Live 11 this device is probably less relevant as the feature is now built-in natively. But Push-Scaleton still works in L11 anyway.

Free by using the "free" discount code (see below)

How to:

- Put the device on every midi track where you need an automatic control over your Push scales.

- Set the desired scale for every track from Push or your computer. Setting from Push is done via the device instead of the default Scale mode, this is to avoid conflicts when automating scales changes within tracks/clips.

The default Scale mode is bypassed (only on tracks using Scaleton) and pressing the Scale button (unlit on tracks using Scaleton) on your Push will instead focus to the device.

- You can automate scale changes from within clips and/or tracks.

IMPORTANT: Remember to delete the device using the skull button, or your Push’s Scale button might stay locked bypassed.

Release notes:


updated to the new Live 10.1 scales list


the device wasn't frozen correctly and was missing some objects. In short, it couldn't work properly! Sorry about that!

Live10 / Max8 minimum.


You can offer me a big cup of tea or a beer by paying 3€ which I consider to be a fair price but you can grab it for free by using the "free" discount code (first enter "3" on this page, and then the discount code on the next page) when ordering if you're broke, or pay more than 3€ if you want.


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